

Free Download - Lego Batman Paper Craft (ver.Simple) (Expired)

Lego Batman Paper Craft Model
Modeler : Won-ki-ok

My Lego Batman paper craft was designed last year.
Here I share the PDF file to make the small and high quality paper craft of Lego Batman (simple version).

I close this free download link.

I share the simple version.  The final completed work is little bit different with this simple version.

Note: You can use and adjust this file for your private craft and link this page, but please do not share it with other person or do not upload this file on the other website.

Download (Google Drive): 

There is no instruction for this version, but you can refer the instruction video for final version following.  Simple version is more more easy. (no magnet, no metal paper)
Instruction Video:
Instruction Video on Youtube

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  1. What is the password for editing?
    I want to change the color, Please

    1. I am sorry that I can't tell you the password.
      Please wait the full version to edit it for your private.

    2. i will try to send the incstuctions

  2. Can you give me update sir

  3. I like this One, Really Nice Work, :)
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    Craft Making Tutorial youtube channel-

    Afrin's Craft
